Since version 14.05.31 BMW-Explorer started to read ISN (SK)from Siemens MSD80, MSD85 and MSV80 electronic units.

To read the ISN you need to connect to DME, enter Extra options, press ISN/PSW

After DME programming procedure BMW-Explorer will display ISN and also store it in a text file in the logs.

 Attention!! The programming of Siemens units takes 25-30 minutes


To read ISN from Siemens DME, several conditions must be fulfilled:

1. You need to make sure that installed drivers are for the BMW-Explorer exactly

2. It is necessary to provide the 12V battery power when programming the DME (because DME programming time is approximately 20-40 minutes)

3. If  laptop PC used for programming, TURN OFF SLEEP MODE !!! of laptop PC.



If the ISN reading fails, make flash-update DME with Winkfp or SSS and repeat the ISN reading again.